Kanye West, now legally known as Yaydolf Yitler, has taken his chaotic reign to the next level. From swastika-printed Yeezys to the Fourth Reich, Yaydolf has become the internet’s most memeable dictator.
In 2028, Yaydolf created the YHWH Party (Yaydolf's Holy World Hierarchy) and abolished the U.S. government—a 252 year old empire.
Yaydolf proved his Nazi credentials by putting swastikas on all his clothes.
Yaydolf ordered every loudspeaker in the nation to blast Black Skinhead on loop.
The whites and the Jews were rounded up, along with everyone who ever doubted YAYDOLF, and led to the YHWH branded gas chambers. He had to pay $560 to get in.
Even in the darkest moments,Yaydolf found a way to monetize.